2021 World Rowing Indoor Championships


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Masters 50-54 Lightweight Men (2000m)

It is no longer possible to enter in this race category.

This race category is scheduled for .

The costs for entering in this race category are EUR 15.00.

In this race category there are 10 spots of which are 5 open and 5 for continental qualifiers (1 per continent).

Open Qualification

Rank Country Athlete Score
1. IRL Niall O'Toole 06:45.0
2. GBR Christopher Leonard 06:46.9
3. ESP Adán Heil Aldeguer 06:52.4


Rank Country Athlete Score
No entries


Rank Country Athlete Score
1. USA Carlos Reategui 06:36.6
2. CAN Hugh Trenchard 06:48.2


Rank Country Athlete Score
No entries


Rank Country Athlete Score
1. IRL Philip Healy 06:30.0
2. HUN Zsolt Darvas 06:42.7
3. ESP German Rendo Ximeno 06:45.6


Rank Country Athlete Score
1. AUS Jamie Hammond 06:41.1
2. AUS Mathew Kaley 07:07.3