2025 World Rowing Indoor Championships

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Relay University Mixed (2000m relay)

It is no longer possible to enter in this race category.

This race category is scheduled for .

This race category is open for teams of 4 rowers.

The costs for entering in this race category are EUR 150.00.

In this race category there are 150 spots for continental qualifiers (50 per continent).

Africa & Europe

Rank Country Team name Athletes Score
1. EGY American University in Cairo Dahab AlMousaly (21), Aly Mohamed (23), Mariam AbouElWafa (20), Tamer Abdelfatah (24) 05:52.0
2. GER Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Esther Linner (29), Sophia Brenke (18), Rune Grofer (22), Karl Draper (22) 05:54.7
3. RUDN ROWING CLUB Anna Nikulina (18), Alexander Svechnikov (20), Afina Belonogova (19), Pavel Elagin (26) 06:10.5
4. GER Rugm. Angaria Hannover - Leibniz University Hannover Susanne Krummel (23), Meret Sypli (26), Dennis Kowalke (28), Erik Brinker (21) 06:18.7


Rank Country Team name Athletes Score
No entries

Asia & Oceania

Rank Country Team name Athletes Score
No entries