2025 World Rowing Indoor Championships

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23-39 Lightweight Women (2000m)

It is no longer possible to enter in this race category.

This race category is scheduled for .

The costs for entering in this race category are EUR 50.00.

The fastest 150 entries of each Continental Group in any 2000m Lightweight Women category automatically qualify. Additionally there are 10 spots available in each Continental Group for entries in this 23-39 Lightweight Women category specifically.

Africa & Europe

Rank Country Athlete Score
1. POL Martyna Radosz (33) 07:11.2
3. EGY Nourelhoda Arafa (27) 07:17.0
4. GER Marion Reichardt (28) 07:17.3
5. GBR Imy Bantick (23) 07:18.1
6. DEN Sarita Kristina Hansen (36) 07:25.4
11. GBR Libby Danckert (38) 07:38.8


Rank Country Athlete Score
No entries

Asia & Oceania

Rank Country Athlete Score
1. MAS Nurzarinah Zakaria (28) 07:51.8
2. KUW Soaad Alfaqaan (33) 07:53.0
3. PHI Feiza Jane Lenton (25) 08:12.1
5. CHN Li Mo (35) 08:56.5